Noctis Wordpress theme is a dark magazine-blog style. This theme is suitable for blogger who like magazine layout and want to show big post thumbnails in their homepage.
Features :
1. Magazine layout Design
2. Valid XHTML 1 .0 Strict and CSS3
3. Tableless Coding
4. Compatible with many famous browsers IE6 , IE7, IE8 , Firefox 2, Firefox 3, Safari 4, Google Chrome.
5. Easy customize and control contents limit display from theme admin option (no need to edit php files)
6. Sidebar Widget supported
7. Built-in widget in Homepage and Sidebar
a. Featured Slideshow
b. Sticky Thumbnail (homepage, category page)
c. Auto Generate post thumbnail (upload only default thumbnail size)
d. Supported post thumbnail custom field (useful for blog that use post thumbnail with other custom field key)
e. Recent Posts
f. Popular Posts (by comments)
g. Random Posts
h. Recent Comments
i. Top Commentators Gravatars
j. Most Comment Posts (with duration date supported.)
k. Recent Images Posts (automatic grab first image from post)
l. Sidebar Categories
m. Google Adsense Ready
n. Google Analytic Supported
o. Search result hilight
p. UTF -8 cut string function supported
8. Plugin ready code (wp pagenavi, breadcrumbs, this, clean archives reloaded, compact archives, simple tags) Just enable plugin and config a little.
9. jQuery Effect (sidebar menu, jQuery Tabs)
10. IE6 PNG fixed.
11. Different admin comment style (not same color as user comment)
12. PSD Files (logo, custom fields default)
13. And much more…
DEMO & Download Page: Noctis Theme
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